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. 2012 Dec 14;4(12):3754–3784. doi: 10.3390/v4123754

Table 4.

Hamsters as a model for viral hemorrhagic fevers.

Pathology and laboratory abnormalities Virus
  • Necrosis of white and red pulp, lymphoid zone

Punta Toro [83]
Pirital [84,86,87]
Marburg [73]
  • Mild lymphoid depletion of white pulp, early infection

Ebola [27]
  • Lymphoid necrosis and reactive hyperplasia

Gabek Forest [83]
Yellow fever [81,82,85]
  • Destruction of tissue architecture, terminal phase

Ebola [27]
  • Mononuclear infiltrate expanding red pulp and obscuring lymphoid architecture

Andes [75]
  • Proliferation of reticuloendothelial tissue, macrophages in sinuses

Marburg [73]
  • Apoptosis of mononuclear phagocytic system and lymphocytes, terminal phase

Ebola [27]
  • Hepatocellular necrosis

Punta Toro [83]
  • Hepatocellular necrosis, hemorrhage and fibrin deposition, inflammation

Ebola [27]
  • Hepatocelullar necrosis, mild steatosis

Gabek Forest [83]
  • Lobular microvesicular steatosis, monocytic infiltration, necrosis

Yellow fever [81,82,85]
  • Apoptosis/necrosis with inflammatory infiltration

Pirital [84,86,87]
Andes [75,76,79]
  • Interstitial mononuclear infiltration

Maporal [78]
  • Increased AST

Yellow Fever [81,85]
Pirital [84,86]
  • Increased total bilirubin

Yellow Fever [81]
  • Increased ALT

Punta Toro [83]
Gabek Forest [83]
Yellow Fever [81,85]
Pichinde [80]
Pirital [84,86]
Lymph nodes
  • Lymphoid necrosis and reactive hyperplasia

Punta Toro [83]
  • Lymphoid necrosis and reactive hyperplasia, late infection

Ebola [27]
  • Lymphoid depletion and sinus hemorrhage, terminal phase

Ebola [27]
  • Follicular and plasma cell hyperplasia

Andes [76]
  • Proliferation of reticuloendothelial tissue, macrophages in sinuses

Marburg [73]
  • Histiocytosis and neutrophilia, early infection

Ebola [27]
  • Apoptosis of macrophages, dendritic cells, late infection

Ebola [27]
  • Alveolar hemorrhage with histiocytic infiltration

Yellow fever[81]
  • Alveolar edema, fibrin deposition, pleural effusion

Maporal [78]
  • Interstitial pneumonitis, diffuse or focal atelectasis, hemorrhagic necrosis

Punta Toro [83]
Pirital [87]
  • Interstitial pneumonitis, hemorrhage

Gabek Fores [83]
Pirital [84,86]
Andes [76]
  • Interstitial pneumonitis, proliferation of vascular endothelium, capillary congestion, fibrin deposition

Marburg [73]
  • Tubular necrosis

Yellow Fever [82,85]
  • Tubular epithelium degeneration, mononuclear cell infiltration, intracytoplasmic bodies, thickening of Bowman’s capsule, shrinkage of glomerular tufts

Marburg [73]
  • Glomerular necrosis

Gabek Forest [83]
  • Interstitial nephritis

Maporal [78]
  • Increased creatinine, blood urea nitrogen concentrations

Pirital [84,86]
Vascular dysregulation
  • Vascular leakage (edema, effusion)

Andes [75,79]
Pichinde [80]
Yellow fever [80]
Maporal [78]
  • Decreased albumin concentrations

Pichinde [80]
Yellow fever [81]
Pirital [86]
  • Increased PT, aPTT

Yellow Fever [81]
Pirital [84,86]
Andes [76]
Ebola [27]
  • Increased TT

Pirital [86]
Ebola [27]
  • Early increased, then decreased fibrinogen concentrations

  • Decreased fibrinogen concentrations, late infection

  • Increased fibrinogen concentration

Yellow fever [81]
Ebola [27]
Andes [76]
Pirital [84]
  • Increased D-dimer concentrations

Pirital [84]
  • Decreased protein C concentrations

Ebola [27]
  • Decreased protein S concentrations, late infection

Andes [76]
  • Thrombocytosis, mid or late infection

Pirital [84,86]
  • Thrombocytopenia, late infection

Andes [75]
Yellow fever [81]
Hematological abnormalities
  • Early leukopenia then leukocytosis (primarily neutrophils)

Yellow fever [81]
  • Leukocytosis mid-to-late infection

Pichinde [80]
Pirital [86]
Andes [75]
  • Lymphopenia

Andes [75]
  • Increased blood cytokine concentrations, cross reactive mice antibodies

Pichinde [80]
Andes [76]
  • Increased gene expression of cytokines

Andes [76]
Yellow fever [85]
Ebola [27]