Phylogenetic tree based on partial sequence of coat protein gene and complete sequence of putative nucleic acid binding protein gene of isolates of CPMMV. Bootstrap values (1,000 replicates). Virus abbreviations and NCBI accession numbers are as follows: Cowpea mild mottle virus-[soybean:Maranhao:Brazil] (CPMMV-[sb:Mar:BR] EF635061), CPMMV-[peanut:Parana:Brazil] (CPMMV-[pe:Par:BR] DQ444266), CPMMV-[cowpea: Puerto Rico] (CPMMV-[cp:PR] GU191840), CPMMV-[soybean:Barreiras:Brazil] (CPMMV-[sb:Bar:BR] DQ885940), CPMMV-[cowpea: Taiwan] (CPMMV-[cp:TA] JX070669), CPMMV-CY-[ Phaseolus: Taiwan] (CPMMV-[Ph:TA] JX020701), CPMMV-[ cowpea:Venezuela] (CPMMV-[cp:VE] JX310549), CPMM-M-[peanut:USA] (CPMMV-M-[pe:USA] AF024629), CPMM-H-[peanut:USA] (CPMMV-M-[pe:USA] AF024628), CPMMV-[cowpea:Ghana] (CPMMV-[cp:GH] HQ184471). Cucumber vein-clearing virus-[Citrullus:Tanzania] (CuVCV--[Ci:TN] JN591720) was used as outgroup.