Fig. 2.
DNA polymerase λ assists DNA polymerase δ in correct TLS over 8-oxo-G by a polymerase switch reaction. (A) Influence of pol λ on the C- or A-mediated bypass of 8-oxo-G by pol δ. Pol λ was titrated in the presence of 100 nM PCNA and all four dNTPs alone (lanes 2–5) or in the presence of 100 nM PCNA, 2.5 nM pol δ, and dATP + dGTP + dTTP (lanes 6–10) or dCTP + dGTP + dTTP (lanes 11–15). (B) Titration of pol λ wild type (wt) and pol λ D490A in a SS reaction with 1 nM pol δ, 100 nM PCNA, and dATP + dGTP + dTTP (lanes 3–5 and 10–12) or dCTP + dGTP + dTTP (lanes 7–9 and 13–15). All lanes contain G and T.