Circadian modulation of olfaction in response to 1-octanol. (A) Response to 1-octanol over 24 h in constant conditions. Blue panels represent cool temperature (13 °C); pink panels represent warm temperature (16 °C). After 5 d of growth in a temperature cycle (13 °C to 16 °C), the response to 1-octanol was measured for 24 h at constant temperature, 13 °C. The data are plotted as the percentage deviation from the average CI of the experiment. The x axes are labeled as described in Fig. 1B. The values for each time point are shown as the mean ± SEM calculated from 5 to 10 plates in three independent experiments. The average CIs for the three experiments are 0.13, 0.31, and 0.49. A sinusoidal curve was fitted to the data (P < 0.001) using Circwave. (B) Response to 1-octanol over 24 h in entraining conditions (a temperature cycle). Blue panels represent cool temperature (13 °C); pink panels represent warm temperature (16 °C). After 5 d of growth in a temperature cycle, chemotaxis was measured over 24 h at the same cycling conditions. The data are plotted as the percentage deviation from the average CI of the experiment. The x axes are labeled as described in Fig. 1B. The values for each time point are shown as the mean ± SEM calculated from 5–10 plates in three independent experiments. The average CIs for the three experiments are 0.19, 0.40, and 0.59. For a plot of the CI before normalization, see Fig. S5.