Table 2.
Bivariate analysis of the association between mean knowledge scores and socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population (n = 483)
Characteristic | Number | Mean (±sd) | Test value | p value |
Age (years) |
<30 |
78 |
12.63 (4.06) |
F = 4.285 |
0.002* |
30–39 |
84 |
13.75 (3.43) |
40–49 |
96 |
12.03 (5.03) |
50–59 |
134 |
13.03 (4.12) |
≥60 |
91 |
11.30 (4.78) |
Gender |
Male |
275 |
12.37 (4.46) |
t = −1.14 |
ns |
Female |
208 |
12.83 (4.29) |
Ethnicity |
Malay |
109 |
12.82 (4.07) |
F = 2.30 |
ns |
Chinese |
353 |
12.63 (4.39) |
Indian |
12 |
10.17 (5.24) |
Others |
9 |
10.11 (5.82) |
Education level (Age) |
Primary (7–12 years) and under |
62 |
8.89 (4.69) |
F = 42.38 |
≤0.001** |
Secondary (13–17 years) |
235 |
12.21(4.49) |
Tertiary (18 years and above) |
186 |
14.24 (3.14) |
Occupation |
Professional |
83 |
13.98 (3.81) |
F = 7.26 |
≤0.001** |
Skilled |
41 |
10.32 (4.60) |
Unskilled |
177 |
13.08 (4.09) |
Unemployed |
119 |
12.26 (4.15) |
Housewife |
63 |
11.30 (5.29) |
Duration of diagnosis (years) (n = 478)^ |
<10 |
208 |
11.59 (4.70) |
F=11.24 |
≤0.001** |
10-19 |
161 |
13.01 (4.18) |
≥20 |
109 |
13.85 (3.43) |
Ever received therapy (n=194)# |
Yes |
110 |
13.01 (4.21) |
t=1.86 |
ns |
No |
84 |
11.82 (4.64) |
Presence of Cirrhosis |
Yes |
74 |
11.16 (4.97) |
t= 2.67 |
0.008* |
No | 409 | 12.82 (4.23) |
sd, standard deviation; ns, not significant; *significant different at p≤0.05; **significant different at p≤0.001; ^Missing data n=5; #Applicable to those who were offered HBV therapy. Only those with significant liver disease and viral replication are offered treatment [22].