Figure 7.
Pitch predictions obtained from the hypothetical internal profiles shown in Figs. 68 for the SIN (left column) and ALT (right column) complex tones used in experiment 2, with fc = 5 kHz. Panels in the upperrowshow the EP-profile predictions for QERB ≈ 11 (black curve) and QERB ≈ 9.26 (gray curve, shifted by −0.15 on the ordinate axis for readability). Panels in the four lower rows show the MASD-profile predictions (solid curve) and SACF-profile predictions (dashed curve) for each of the four phase-locking schemes described in Sec. 6A2, with QERB ≈ 11. The vertical dashed line indicates fenv, and the vertical dotted lines subharmonics of fc.