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. 2012 Mar 16;44(8):817–828. doi: 10.3109/07853890.2012.665471

Table II.

Genes associated with FTLD and ALS.

Gene Locus Inheritance Mutation type Mutation frequency FTLD Mutation frequency ALS Molecular pathology Comment
MAPT (94) 17q21 AD Missense, splice site, deletion 5%–10% Tau
PGRN (92,93) 17q21 AD Nonsense, splice site, frameshift, deletion, met1, missense 5%–10% TDP-43 FTLD-TDP type A
VCP (105) 9p13 AD Missense < 1% < 1% TDP-43 In combination with IBM and PDB; FTLD-TDP type D
CHMP2B (100) 3p11 AD Nonsense < 1% UPS
TMEM106B (131) 7p21 Risk factor / / / TDP-43
C9orf72 (132–134) 9p21 AD GGGGCC expansion 5%–10%? 5%–10%? TDP-43, UPS FTLD-TDP type B?
SOD1 (106) 21q22 AD and AR Missense, frameshift nonsense ∼5% SOD1
TARDBP (110,111) 1p36 AD Missense, nonsense < 1% ∼1% TDP-43
FUS (65,66) 16q12 AD and AR Missense, nonsense, splice site, frameshift < 1% ∼1% FUS Also associated with juvenile ALS with BIBD
ATXN2 (112) 12q24 AD and risk factor GAG expansion ∼1% TDP-43 Intermediate expanded alleles cause ALS, longer alleles cause SCA2
ANG (115) 14q11 AD and risk factor Missense < 1% TDP-43
OPTN (117) 10p13 AD and AR Missense, exon-deletion nonsense < 1% TDP-43
VAPB (116) 20q13 AD Missense < 1% ? Classic ALS, slow-progressive ALS, late onset SMA
UBQLN2 (118) Xp11 AD Missense < 1% < 1% TDP-43

Sub-classification of FTLD-TDP is according to (135).

AD = autosomal dominant; AR = autosomal recessive; BIBD = basophilic inclusion body disease; IBM = inclusion body myositis; met1 = mutation of Met1 translation initiation codon; PDB = Paget's disease of the bone; SCA2 = spinocerebellar ataxia type 2; SMA = spinal muscular atrophy.