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. 2012 Aug 27;104(18):1386–1395. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djs344

Table 2.

Subgroup performance relative to normative sample*

Test Treatment risk arm Age at diagnosis Sex
Low Standard/high <5 years ≥5 years Boys Girls
Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P Mean (95% CI) P
Wechsler, SS‡
    FSIQ 98.1 (95.5 to 100.7) .32 93.5 (90.3 to 96.7) <.001 94.1 (91.3 to 97.0) <.001 97.8 (94.8 to 100.7) .27 95.3 (92.5 to 98.0) .003 96.7 (93.6 to 99.8) .12
    FFD 98.8 (95.5 to 102.1) .47 93.3 (89.7 to 96.9) <.001 93.7 (89.0 to 98.4) .02 96.9 (94.1 to 99.8) .12 95.3 (92.1 to 98.5) .01 96.9 (93.0 to 100.8) .23
    Proc Speed 104.8 (101.1 to 108.4) .04 95.3 (91.1 to 99.6) .03 101.5 (96.0 to 107.0) .59 99.1 (95.7 to 102.6) .62 97.1 (93.5 to 100.8) .12 103.8 (99.0 to 108.6) .23
    Math 103.4 (100.6 to 106.2) .017 97.4 (94.0 to 100.8) .14 100.8 (97.0 to 104.6) 1.00 100.0 (97.2 to 102.9) 1.00 101.1 (98.1 to 104.1) .96 99.1 (95.7 to 102.6) .83
    Reading 105.5 (102.1 to 108.8) .005 96.5 (93.2 to 99.8) .08 102.7 (97.8 to 107.7) .81 99.9 (97.1 to 102.7) 1.00 99.9 (96.6 to 103.2) .96 102.0 (98.4 to 105.6) .83
    Spelling 104.3 (101.5 to 107.2) .007 94.1 (91.0 to 97.2) <.001 101.4 (97.2 to 105.6) 1.00 97.8 (95.2 to 100.5) .33 96.9 (94.0 to 99.8) .11 101.7 (98.3 to 105.2) .83
    Omissions, % 82.7 (77.9 to 87.5) <.001 85.1 (81.1 to 89.2) <.001 81.2 (74.1 to 88.3) <.001 85.0 (81.6 to 88.3) <.001 84.0 (80.1 to 87.9) <.001 84.0 (78.9 to 89.1) <.001
    Hit RT 50.8 (47.7 to 53.8) .63 47.5 (44.5 to 50.5) .10 45.4 (41.1 to 49.7) .038 50.2 (47.7 to 52.7) .88 49.7 (46.9 to 52.5) .85 47.9 (44.5 to 51.3) .22
    Variability 58.4 (55.2 to 61.6) <.001 59.0 (56.0 to 61.9) <.001 60.3 (57.1 to 63.5) <.001 58.1 (55.5 to 60.8) <.001 57.5 (54.8 to 60.2) <.001 60.4 (56.9 to 64.0) <.001
    d′ 59.4 (57.0 to 61.7) <.001 60.5 (58.2 to 62.8) <.001 59.4 (56.4 to 62.3) <.001 60.2 (58.2 to 62.2) <.001 58.9 (57.2 to 60.7) <.001 61.5 (58.3 to 64.6) <.001
    β 68.0 (63.7 to 72.3) <.001 74.9 (70.6 to 79.1) <.001 63.6 (59.2 to 67.9) <.001 74.5 (70.9 to 78.2) <.001 71.6 (68.0 to 75.3) <.001 71.8 (66.6 to 77.1) <.001
    Total (T) 50.9 (48.4 to 53.3) .94 49.5 (46.7 to 52.4) 1.00 46.0 (42.6 to 49.4) .09 51.7 (49.5 to 54.0) .37 49.2 (46.7 to 51.6) .83 51.6 (48.6 to 54.6) .59
    Learning Slope −0.2 (−0.5 to 0.1) .43 −0.3 (−0.5 to 0.0) .08 −0.1 (−0.6 to 0.3) 1.00 −0.3 (−0.5 to 0.1) .013 −0.3 (−0.5 to 0.0) .11 −0.2 (−0.5 to 0.1) .37
    SD Free Recall 0.2 (−0.0 to 0.4) .43 −0.1 (−0.3 to 0.2) 1.00 −0.1 (−0.4 to 0.2) 1.00 0.1 (−0.1 to 0.3) .61 −0.1 (−0.4 to 0.1) .83 0.3 (0.0 to 0.6) .14
    LD Free Recall 0.1 (−0.2 to 0.4) .94 −0.1 (−0.4 to 0.2) 1.00 −0.3(−0.8 to 0.1) .37 0.1 (−0.2 to 0.3) .61 −0.1 (−0.4 to 0.1) .83 0.1 (−0.2 to 0.4) .59
    Impulse-Hyper 48.6 (46.8 to 50.3) .22 51.8 (49.5 to 54.1) .13 51.2 (49.1 to 53.2) .46 48.8 (46.8 to 50.8) .47 49.6 (47.5 to 51.6) .97 50.5 (48.5 to 52.5) 1.00
    Hyperactive 48.1 (46.4 to 49.9) .10 52.8 (50.2 to 55.4) .08 51.3 (49.2 to 53.4) .46 49.0 (46.8 to 51.3) .47 50.8 (48.6 to 52.9) .97 49.6 (47.4 to 51.8) 1.00
    Learning 50.3 (48.2 to 52.3) .79 56.8 (53.6 to 60.1) <.001 54.3 (51.5 to 57.1) .008 52.1 (49.5 to 54.6) .32 54.1 (51.3 to 56.9) .01 52.3 (49.8 to 54.7) .21

* FSIQ = Full Scale Intelligence Quotient; FFD = Freedom from Distractibility Index; WIAT = Wechsler Individual Achievement Test; CPT = Conners’ Continuous Performance Test; RT = Reaction Time; CVLT = California Verbal Learning Test; SD = Short Delay; LD = Long Delay; CPRS = Conners’ Parent Rating Scale. Proc Speed = processing speed; Impulse-Hyper = Impulsivity–Hyperactivity Index; d′ = vigilance; β = risk taking; SS = standard score.

P-values are based on a one-sample t-test compared with the published normative mean. They have been adjusted using the Holm–Bonferroni step-down method to account for multiple comparisons and reduce the risk of a Type I error. All tests of statistical significance were two-sided.

Scores are reported as SS, which have a normative mean of 100 and SD of 15; T-scores, which have a normative mean of 50 and SD of 10; and Z-scores, which have a normative mean of 0 and SD of 1.

§ Indices on the CPT and CPRS are reverse cued such that a higher score is indicative of worse performance or greater problems.