A, KIR currents were defined as the fraction of current sensitive to 100 μm BaCl2 (dif), and were obtained by subtracting current traces elicited by voltage ramps in the presence of BaCl2 (Ba) from traces in control conditions (C). Sample traces obtained with VSMCs from BPN and BPH mice using the perforated patch configuration are shown in the left panels. The KIR average current densities obtained at −150 mV, both with the perforated patch (pp) or the whole-cell configuration (wc) of the patch clamp technique, are depicted in the bar plot. B, KATP currents were defined as the difference (dif) between currents recorded in the presence of 100 μm pinacidil (Pin) and currents recorded in the presence of 20 μm glibenclamide (Gli). Current–voltage plots show representative traces obtained with the perforated patch configuration, and bar graphs depict the KATP average current densities obtained at −150 mV. Each bar, in both A and B, is the mean ± SEM of 7–10 cells. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.