Figure 8. Minimal conductance model required to simulate the whole-cell I–V relationship in BPN and BPH mesenteric VSMCs.
Whole-cell currents in the range between −120 and −20 mV are simply simulated by the addition of four parallel conductances mediated by inward rectifying channels (KIR plus KATP, IKir), voltage-dependent K+ (IKv) and Ca2+ (ICaV) channels and a voltage-independent inward cationic current (INa). The conductance mediating INa in the simulation has the required value to account for total current at the K+ reversal potential. Grey squares represent the simulated current for BPN currents, and open squares the simulated current for BPH currents. This latler simulation was obtained by decreasing Kir conductance to 50% and Kv conductance by 20%. The actual experimental data depicted in Fig. 1A are also represented in the figure.