A, simultaneous [Ca2+]i (rhod-2, upper traces in black) and [Ca2+]SR (fluo-5N, lower traces in grey) measurements following rest from electrical stimulation under control conditions (7 mm[Ca2+]o, a= 1.1 Hz, b= 1.3 Hz) and in the presence of ISO (c: 2 mm[Ca2+]o, 1.3 Hz). Electrical stimulation frequency was incrementally increased to elevate [Ca2+]SR and determine the threshold level for Ca2+ waves. In the example shown, Ca2+ waves were only observed when [Ca2+]SR was higher than the control threshold level, unless RyRs were pharmacologically sensitized using 250 μm caffeine. Dashed lines: 1, no-wave threshold control; 2, wave threshold control; 3, wave threshold ISO. B, positive correlation between electrical stimulation frequency (range 0.5–1.3 Hz) and resting [Ca2+]SR measured using fluo-5N fluorescence. Frequency and [Ca2+]SR values are normalized to the respective values found at the lowest pacing frequency in each experimental trial.