Figure 6.
Increased association between PKCζ/ι and ZIP/p62 in ventral spinal segments containing phrenic motor neurons. A, Representative images depicting CTB (green), aPKC (red), and ZIP/p62 (blue) in the C4 ventral horn. The merged images on right demonstrate colocalization of ZIP/p62 and aPKC in CTB+ phrenic motor neurons. The phrenic motor nucleus is encircled in top panels. Scale bars: Top, 200 μm; bottom, 20 μm. B, C, PKCζ/ι was immunoprecipitated from ventral C4 gray matter homogenates; immunoprecipitates were then immunoblotted for ZIP/p62. B, Representative immunoblots of ZIP/p62 10 or 60 min following resumption of respiratory neural activity after a neural apnea, or equivalent time points in time controls. C, Average change in ZIP/p62 density from time controls illustrating significant increases in ZIP/p62 binding to PKCζ/ι 10 min, but not 20 or 60 min after resumption of respiratory neural activity. *Significantly different from zero, p < 0.05.