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. 2012 Dec 26;7(12):e52453. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0052453

Table 2. Pairwise comparisons using Dunn’s procedure of extant and extinct taxa.

C. crocuta P. leo P. atrox S. fatalis
A. jubatus 41.6 * −32.3 * −3.5 19.7 *
C. crocuta 9.3 38.1 * 21.9 *
P. leo 28.7 * 12.6
P. atrox 16.1 *
A. jubatus 22.4 * 23.6 * 20.6 * 30.6 *
C. crocuta 1.2 −1.8 8.2
P. leo −3.0 7.0
P. atrox 10.0
A. jubatus 21.9 * 13.2 −10.5 0.0
C. crocuta −8.8 32.4 * 21.9 *
P. leo 23.7 * −13.1
P. atrox 10.5
A. jubatus 26.3 * 18.4 * −3.1 18.3 *
C. crocuta 7.9 23.2 * 8.1
P. leo 15.3 * 0.1
P. atrox 15.1 *
HAsfc(3 ×3)
A. jubatus 9.7 6.8 4.6 16.2 *
C. crocuta −2.9 −5.1 6.5
P. leo −2.2 9.4
P. atrox 11.6
HAsfc(9 ×9)
A. jubatus 12.4 6.6 19.8 * 24.1 *
C. crocuta −5.8 7.4 11.7
P. leo 13.3 17.5 *
P. atrox 4.3

Significant values (p<0.05) represent analyses performed absent of the Bonferroni correction (see methods). Asfc, area-scale fractal complexity; epLsar, anisotropy; Smc, scale of maximum complexity; Tfv, texture fill volume; HAsfc (3×3), HAsfc (9×9) heterogeneity of complexity in a 3×3 and 9×9 grid, respectively.