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. 2012 Dec 26;7(12):e51917. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0051917

Figure 3. Cytogenetic confirmation of a deletion on chromosome 14 by FISH.

Figure 3

Dual-color FISH probe results are shown for representative metaphase spreads obtained from (A) wildtype, (B) obligate carrier, and (C) affected Miniature Poodle dogs, respectively. The green LR-PCR 14–63.6 g FISH signal is within the deleted region and shows some centromeric background staining. The red BAC probe 14–59.1or signal distinguishes CFA14 within the canine metaphase spread. Wildtype shows co-localization of red (control) and green (experimental) probes. This co-localization is absent in the affected dog (homozygous for deletion), and is heterozygous in the carrier dog.