Figure 6.
Representative sections of testes from saline- (a) and cocaine- (b) exposed rats showing clear qualitative increases in AcH3 (a,b) in the tubules as measured by immunohistochemistry. Staining of To-Pro DNA dye (c,d) and the overlay of To-Pro and AcH3 (e,f) in saline- and cocaine-experienced rats, respectively, shows co-expression as expected (scale bars=100 µM). g, Quantitative assessment of the percent of total cell counts (±s.e.m.) showed a significant increase in AcH3 staining (intensity/cell) in the testicular tubules of cocaine relative to saline rats (p<0.05). h, Increased association of AcH3 with BDNF promoters I, IV and VI among cocaine exposed sires, expressed as % input ±s.e.m. The asterisks denote a significant main effect of treatment (p<0.05).