Table 3. Characteristics of Adolescent Friendly Health Services.
Nr. | Characteristic |
Equitable | |
1 | Policies and procedures are in place that do not restrict the provision of health services on any terms |
2 | Health care providers treat all adolescent clients with equal care and respect, regardless of status |
3 | Support staff treats all adolescent clients with equal care and respect, regardless of status. |
Accessible | |
4 | Policies and procedures are in place that ensure that health services are either free or affordable to adolescents. |
5 | The point of health service delivery has convenient hours of operation. |
6 | Adolescents are well-informed about the range of available reproductive health services and how to obtain them |
7 | Community members understand the benefits that adolescents will gain by obtaining the health services they need, and support their provision. |
8 | HF Some health services and health-related commodities are provided to adolescents in the community by selected community members, outreach workers and adolescents themselves. |
Acceptable | |
9 | Policies and procedures are in place that guarantee client confidentiality. |
10 | The point of health service delivery ensures privacy. |
11 | Health-care providers are non-judgmental, considerate, and easy to relate to. |
12 | The point of health service delivery ensures consultations occur in a short waiting time, with or without an appointment, and (where necessary) swift referral. |
13 | The point of health service delivery has an appealing and clean environment. |
14 | The point of health service delivery provides information and education through a variety of channels. |
15 | Adolescents are actively involved in designing, assessing and providing health services. |
Appropriate | |
16 | The required package of health care is provided to fulfill the needs of all adolescents either at the point of health service delivery or through referral linkages. |
Effective | |
17 | Health-care providers have the required competencies to work with adolescents and to provide them with the required health services. |
18 | Health-care providers use evidence-based protocols and guidelines to provide health services. |
19 | Health-care providers are able to dedicate sufficient time to work effectively with their adolescent clients |
20 | The point of health service delivery has the required equipment, supplies, and basic services necessary to deliver the required health services. |
Source: From reference [32] WHO (2009) Quality assessment guidebook – a guide to assessing health services for adolescents.