Table 8.
Cellular Proliferation, Growth, and Assembly Pathway was up-regulated in early life
Symbol | Entrez Gene Name | Premature fetus Vs Adult | Near-term fetus Vs Adult | Newborn Vs Adult | |||
Fold Change | p-value | Fold Change | p-value | Fold Change | p-value | ||
ASPM | asp (abnormal spindle) homolog, microcephaly associated | 37.38 | 9.41E-06 | 19.21 | 2.04E-05 | 16.29 | 5.45E-05 |
AURKA | aurora kinase A | 11.78 | 9.23E-05 | 5.694 | 3.68E-04 | 8.833 | 1.46E-04 |
AURKB | aurora kinase B | 58.15 | 4.34E-07 | 30.03 | 3.66E-06 | 27.24 | 1.35E-04 |
BIRC5 | baculoviral IAP repeat containing 5 | 177.4 | 6.28E-06 | 33.53 | 2.65E-04 | 82.05 | 1.81E-05 |
CCNA2 | cyclin A2 | 54.41 | 6.46E-06 | 21.72 | 1.93E-05 | 39.31 | 7.80E-06 |
CCNB2 | cyclin B2 | 29.65 | 2.08E-07 | 11.42 | 1.67E-04 | 19.98 | 2.42E-05 |
CDK1 | cyclin-dependent kinase 1 | 51.19 | 1.61E-04 | 15.16 | 1.97E-04 | 41.47 | 1.14E-05 |
CDK2 | cyclin-dependent kinase 2 | 5.852 | 2.12E–05 | 5.064 | 3.75E–03 | 3.454 | 1.71E–04 |
CDT1 | chromatin licensing and DNA replication factor 1 | 7.823 | 1.16E–04 | 11.94 | 1.01E–02 | 3.098 | 7.26E–03 |
CHEK2 | CHK2 checkpoint homolog (S. pombe) | 8.841 | 3.65E–05 | 3.24 | 1.27E–01 | 5.385 | 1.81E–04 |
CENPE | centromere protein E, 312kDa | 61.96 | 1.10E-05 | 42.58 | 9.18E-06 | 42.73 | 3.05E-06 |
CENPH | centromere protein H | 12.61 | 3.67E-06 | 5.277 | 1.21E-04 | 7.478 | 9.92E-06 |
CKAP2 | cytoskeleton associated protein 2 | 30.63 | 1.84E-04 | 19.23 | 1.88E-04 | 19.94 | 8.83E-05 |
CKS2 | CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 2 | 73.8 | 4.67E-08 | 30.33 | 1.50E-06 | 57.91 | 3.18E-06 |
DIAPH3 | diaphanous homolog 3 (Drosophila) | 35.37 | 4.90E-06 | 27.37 | 1.28E-06 | 46.56 | 9.83E-07 |
ESPL1 | extra spindle pole bodies homolog 1 (S. cerevisiae) | 28.7 | 1.49E-04 | 12.95 | 7.42E-05 | 15.62 | 2.57E-05 |
GATA6 | GATA binding protein 6 | 33.72 | 8.69E-05 | 8.271 | 2.27E-04 | 16.16 | 1.27E-05 |
KNTC1 | kinetochore associated 1 | 25.58 | 2.16E-04 | 9.572 | 0.00145 | 14.78 | 5.03E-04 |
MXD3 | MAX dimerization protein 3 | 31.4 | 4.21E-06 | 26.09 | 3.17E-06 | 14.69 | 8.09E-05 |
NCAPG | non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G | 100.5 | 8.00E-07 | 46.93 | 6.68E-06 | 74.72 | 1.24E-06 |
PRC1 | protein regulator of cytokinesis 1 | 23.2 | 5.61E-05 | 21.77 | 5.18E-04 | 17.77 | 5.21E-05 |
PCNA | proliferating cell nuclear antigen | 10.78 | 1.03E–04 | 3.439 | 4.35E–04 | 9.182 | 1.43E–05 |
RFC1 | replication factor C (activator 1) 1, 145kDa | 2.064 | 4.06E–03 | 1.066 | 6.71E–01 | 2.092 | 3.06E–03 |
RFC3 | replication factor C (activator 1) 3, 38kDa | 4.476 | 8.78E–04 | 1.371 | 1.98E–01 | 3.577 | 4.97E–04 |
RFC4 | replication factor C (activator 1) 4, 37kDa | 2.799 | 1.31E–02 | 1.198 | 7.25E–01 | 1.878 | 6.80E–02 |
RFC5 | replication factor C (activator 1) 5, 36.5kDa | 2.486 | 2.22E–07 | 1.348 | 1.68E–02 | 2.065 | 1.55E–03 |
SKA1 | spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 | 26.35 | 3.44E-06 | 12.14 | 6.36E-06 | 17.75 | 7.18E-05 |
SOX9 | SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 | 8.645 | 2.50E-05 | 9.4 | 0.0017 | 8.419 | 3.40E-04 |
STMN1 | stathmin 1 | 73.07 | 5.69E-05 | 20.7 | 9.17E-04 | 27.51 | 2.71E-05 |
TYMS | thymidylate synthetase | 15.49 | 6.62E-06 | 11.37 | 4.44E-05 | 7.212 | 5.09E-05 |
UBE2C | ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2C | 259.3 | 1.89E-07 | 66.4 | 7.52E-05 | 146.5 | 3.72E-07 |