Table 2.
Clinical, SD-OCT, visual field and genotype findings in three mothers, carriers of XLRS.
Subject Number | Age (Years) | Snellen BCVA (ETDRS) | Macular appearance | Peripheral retinoschisis | Macular anatomy by SD- OCT | Extramacular midperipheral anatomy by SD-OCT | 30-2 HVF | RS1 Genotype |
Carrier 1 (Mother of Pt 1 and Pt 2) | 43 | 20/20-1 (89) OD 20/20-2 (88) OS | Normal macula OU | Normal periphery OU | OD: slightly irregular foveal contour, no schisis OS: normal, no schisis |
No schisis OU | Single paracentral defect OD, three paracentral defects OS | Heterozygous for the RS1 genotype for patients 1 and 2 in Table 1 |
Carrier 2 (Mother of Pt 4) | 45 | 20/20+ (86) OD 20/20+ (87) OS | Normal macula OU | Normal periphery OU | OU: normal, no schisis | No schisis OU | No defects OU | Heterozygous for the RS1 genotype for patient 4 in Table 1 |
Carrier 3 (Mother of Pt 5) | 37 | 20/16 (89) OD 20/20+2 (87) OS | Abnormal macular reflex OU | Normal periphery OU | OU: normal, no schisis | No schisis OU | Two paracentral defects OU | Heterozygous for the RS1 genotype for patient 5 in Table 1 |
BCVA- Best-corrected visual acuity, ETDRS- Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study, HVF- Humphrey visual field, RS1- Retinoschisin gene, Pt- Patient, SD-OCT- Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, XLRS- X-linked retinoschisis