Tumour growth of IL-1β-expressing HK1 cells in a xenograft model. Nude mice were injected with HK1-vector or HK1-IL-1β cells (n = 9 per group). *p = 4.6E−04, 6.2E−06, 4.0E−06, 4.1E−07, 5.4E−09, 5.0E−08, 1.0E−06, 5.3E−07 and 4.3E−07 at day 15, 18, 22, 25, 29, 32, 36, 39 and 43 post-inoculation, respectively. All results are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments and analysed by Student's t test.
Tumour growth of IL-1β- and pro-IL-1β-expressing B16F10 cells in a syngeneic mouse model. Wild-type mice were injected with B16F10-vector, B16F10-pro-IL-1β and B16F10-IL-1β cells (n = 12 per group). *p = 1.1E−06, 1.5E−06, 6.9E−03, 9.7E−04 and 5.7E−03 at day 29, 32, 36, 39 and 43 post-inoculation, respectively. All results are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments and analysed by Student's t test.
Tumour growth of B16F10-vector and B16F10-IL-1β cells in wild-type and Il1r1−/− mice (n = 4–6 per group). All results are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments.
Dose effect of IL-1β secretion on tumour growth inhibition. IL-1β in supernatants from B16F10-IL-1β cells premixed with B16F10-vector cells by indicated ratio (left panel). Tumour growth of B16F10-IL-1β mixed cells in a syngeneic mouse model (middle panel, n = 8 per group). Correlation between the tumour sizes at day 43 and IL-1β secretion of B16F10-IL-1β premixed cells (right panel). *p = 0.022 (1/16 IL-1β vs. vector); **p = 8.5E−04 (1/4 IL-1β vs. vector) and 1.2E−05 (IL-1β vs. vector). All results are presented as the mean ± SD of three independent experiments and analysed by Student's t test.
Survival rate in mice bearing IL-1β- and pro-IL-1β-expressing B16F10 cells. Syngeneic mice were injected with B16F10-vector, B16F10-pro-IL-1β or B16F10-IL-1β cells (n = 12 per group) and survival curves were plotted using the Kaplan–Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. *p = 0.009. The results were obtained from three independent experiments.
Survival rate in mice with surgical removal of primary tumours. B16F10-vector, B16F10-pro-IL-1β and B16F10-IL-1β tumours were established and then surgically removed after 14 days (n = 12 per group) and survival curves were plotted using the Kaplan–Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. *p = 0.036. The results were obtained from three independent experiments.