KEG Is Required for Vacuolar Targeting of ARA6-Associated MVBs but Not for Vacuolar Targeting of Autophagosomes or the Soluble Cargo Protein GOLD36/MVP1.
(A) to (D) Confocal microscopy images of cotyledon epidermal cells of wild-type ([A] and [C]) and keg-1 ([B] and [D]) transgenic seedlings expressing ARA6-sYFP grown in the light ([A] and [B]) or dark for 7 d ([C] and [D]). Images are Z-stacks of five single sections. Col-0, Columbia-0.
(E) and (F) Single sections from (C) and (D).
(G) to (I) Cytosolic distribution of sYFP-ATG8a in root cells of 5-d-old transgenic seedlings grown on half-strength MS media.
(J) to (L) Visualization of autophagosomes inside vacuole lumens of root cells after incubation of sYFP-ATG8a transgenic seedlings with 0.5 μM ConA for 10 h.
(M) and (N) Vacuolar accumulation of GOLD36/MVP1-mCherry in cotyledon cells of 7-d-old wild-type and keg-1 seedlings grown under dark conditions.
Bars = 10 μm.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]