(A, B) Wild-type (filled bars) and Bub1bH/H cells (open bars; A), or wild-type (filled bars) and Cdc20AAA cells (open bars; B) were treated with the indicated concentrations of AICAR, 17-AAG or both, and cell number was determined after 3 days. *P<0.05, **P<0.005, t test.
(C) Cells were treated with the indicated concentration of AICAR (top) or 17-AAG (center) or both compounds (bottom). Cell number was determined 3 days after the addition of compound and is shown as the percentage of the untreated control. Primary euploid cells (black symbol), MIN colon cancer cell lines (blue, green symbols) and aneuploid CIN colon cancer cells (red, purple symbols) were analyzed.
(D) Cell number of euploid (black symbols) and aneuploid lung cancer cells (red, purple symbols) was determined after 3 days of treatment with the indicated compounds and is shown as the percentage of the untreated control. The data presented are the mean and the P value results of t test. NS, not significant.