Figure 1.
Illustration of different constructs and the reads produced. Single-end data on top, paired-end below. Inserts are denoted I, single-end reads R and paired-end reads R1 and R2. Read length denoted LR, insert length denoted LI. A) LI ≥ LR: No adapter contamination. B) LI < LR: adapter contamination occurs in 3’ end. C) LI ≥ 2· LR: No adapter contamination and no overlap between reads. D) LR < LI < 2 · LR: No adapter contamination but the two reads overlap. E) LI < LR: adapter contamination in 3’ ends of both reads, overlap between 5’ ends of reads. This information can be used to perform the pairwise alignment needed (after reverse complementing mate 2 from the pair) to locate adapter contamination and/or overlap between reads