Simulated results of the variables related to the death receptor pathway. (A) Cisplatin becomes aquated and toxic after its entry into cells, thus activating FasL. Aqcis, aquated cisplatin; FasL*, activated FasL. (B) Activated FasL binds caspase-8 and activates the initiator caspase-8. FasL*_Casp8, binding of FasL* and Casp-8; Casp8*, activated caspase-8; Casp8, procaspase-8. (C) The activated caspase-8 leads directly to the activation of downstream caspase-3 and causes apoptosis. Casp8*_casp3, binding of Casp8* and casp3; Casp3*, activated caspase-3. Interaction between activated caspase-8 and caspase-3 activation (D) or apoptosis (E). Casp8* × 1.0, activated caspase-8 at baseline value; Casp8* × 2.0, activated caspase-8 increase by twofold; Casp8* × 0.2, activated caspase-8 decrease by fivefold.