Colonization of L. japonicus roots of wild-type and transgenic plants by G. intraradices. At 9 dpi (A–E), hyphal growth of G. intraradices (arrows) and appressoria formation (arrowheads) were observed on the epidermal surfaces of wild-type (A), vector control (B), 5′D (C), 5′R (D), and 3′O (E) roots. At 15 dpi (F–J) and 35 dpi (K–O), fungal hyphae formed arbuscules (stars) and vesicles (asterisk) in the cortical cells of wild-type (F and K) and vector control (G and L) roots. Only appressoria and fungal hyphal branching were observed on the epidermal surface of roots of 5′D (H and M), 5′R (I and N), and 3′O (J and O). Bars = 50 µm (A–J and M–O) and 100 µm (K and L). [See online article for color version of this figure.]