Table 2.
Incidence of type 1 diabetes mellitus (0–14 yr) by geographical census division±, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, 1987-2010
Census division | Incidence rate | 95% CI |
(1) Avalon Peninsula |
40.2 |
34.9-45.4 |
(2) Burin Peninsula |
33.3 |
24.6-42.0 |
(3) South Coast |
18.8 |
10.7-26.9 |
(4) St. George’s |
33.7 |
24.7-42.6 |
(5) Humber District |
33.6 |
25.7-41.5 |
(6) Central |
45.8 |
37.1-54.5 |
(7) Bonavista/Trinity |
33.3 |
25.3-41.4 |
(8) Notre Dame Bay |
37.8 |
29.9-45.7 |
(9) Northern Peninsula |
40.6 |
30.9-50.3 |
(10) Labrador | 39.9 | 31.1-48.8 |
± Rates age-standardized to 1991 Canadian Census.