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. 2012 Dec 3;31(2):272–279. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2011.40.6249

Table 2.

Multiple Linear Regression to Identify Predictors of Quality of Life at Follow-Up

Variable PCS
Adjusted for Initial PCS
Adjusted for Initial PCS and Other Predictors (n = 519)
Adjusted for Initial MCS
Adjusted for Initial MCS and Other Predictors (n = 519)
Coefficient, β SE P Coefficient, β SE P Coefficient, β SE P Coefficient, β SE P
Initial PCS or MCS 0.74 0.03 < .001 0.52 0.04 < .001 0.65 0.03 < .001 0.47 0.04 < .001
    Female sex 0.17 0.69 .807 −1.39 0.73 .055 −1.03 0.69 .134
    Nonwhite race −0.63 1.04 .544 −1.42 1.10 .201
    Income < $30,000 −1.93 0.90 .032 −1.21 0.84 .150 −1.31 0.96 .173
    Less than college degree −0.36 0.72 .616 −1.00 0.74 .177
    Not married −0.25 0.89 .782 −0.09 0.94 .925
    Age at study enrollment −0.16 0.03 < .001 −0.21 0.03 < .001 −0.01 0.03 .631
Clinical characteristicsb
    Years since diagnosis −0.06 0.05 .237 0.004 0.05 .943
    Recurrence in last 5 yearsc 0.51 0.73 .485 0.84 0.79 .288
    Systemic treatment statusd
        Received chemotherapy −0.47 1.03 .651 −2.16 1.09 .049 −1.36 1.05 .195
        Received biologic treatment 1.47 1.76 .404 0.07 1.87 .972 1.65 1.77 .353
        Chemotherapy-biologic therapy interaction 0.14 1.18 .903 −2.21 1.25 .078 −1.03 1.20 .394
        Ever had transplantation −0.34 1.24 .783 −1.26 1.32 .339 0.49 1.30 .703
        No systemic treatment ever
    Comorbidity scoree −0.30 0.10 .002 −0.25 0.09 .006 −0.23 0.09 .009 −0.11 0.09 .220
    Lymphoma symptom scoref 0.68 0.47 .143 2.13 0.51 < .001 0.58 0.59 .324
Psychosocial statusg
    Social Supporth 0.02 0.02 .356 0.06 0.02 .008 0.04 0.02 .096
    IOC Negative Impacti −0.80 0.54 .136 −3.05 0.53 < .001 −2.66 0.65 < .001 −3.70 0.78 < .001
    IOC Positive Impactj 0.003 0.45 .994 0.0001 0.44 .999 −0.65 0.48 .175
    Δ Social support 0.02 0.02 .340 0.03 0.02 .165
    Δ IOC Negative Impact −3.71 0.61 < .001 −5.21 0.60 < .001 −3.91 0.65 < .001 −4.88 0.67 < .001
    Δ IOC Positive Impact 1.18 0.61 .052 1.49 0.59 .012 1.05 0.65 .104
Model-adjusted R2 P .48 .59 .41 .50

Abbreviations: IOC, Impact of Cancer; MCS, Mental Component Score; PCS, Physical Component Score.


Demographic variables are from the 2005 survey.


Clinical variables are from the 2005 survey (years since diagnosis, comorbidity, lymphoma symptom score, and systemic treatment status) and the follow-up 2010 survey (systemic treatment status and recurrence in last 5 years).


Participants who reported having a recurrence of their lymphoma within the last 5 years or who have never been in remission.


Mutually exclusive categories; participants reported receiving systemic treatment (ie, chemotherapy, biologic therapy such as rituximab, transplantation) at initial and/or follow-up survey.


Self-Administered Comorbidity Questionnaire; possible score range, 0 to 42.


Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy–Lymphoma module; 15 items, possible score range, 0 to 60. Lower scores indicate greater symptoms.


Psychosocial variables are from the 2005 survey except for change variables.


Medical Outcomes Study Social Support total score; possible score range, 0 to 100; higher scores indicate higher support.


IOC Negative Summary score; possible score range, 1 to 5; higher scores indicate greater negative impacts.


IOC Positive Summary score; possible score range, 1 to 5; higher scores indicate greater positive impacts.