Migration delay due to PS after one day. Normal events in GABAergic progenitor development are demonstrated in this diagram (A). Nonstressed offspring (B,D) and PS offspring (C,E) showed significant changes in distribution of GAD67GFP+ cells in the pathway of tangential migration across rostral (B,C) to caudal (D,E) regions of the E13 forebrain. (F,G) Stereological counts indicating that PS significantly decreased the density of GAD67GFP+ cells in the E13 dorsal telencephalon (F) but not ventral telencephalon (G). PS offspring also showed a decrease at E13 in the circumferential distribution of GAD67GFP+ cells in dorsal telencephalon (H) that was greater in caudal regions (I) (* indicates p<0.05 by two-tailed student’s t-test; arrows indicate the leading edge of migration of GAD67GFP+ cells). Scale bar=200 µm.