Migration delay due to PS after 3 days. (A) Schematic showing overlay of bins to count percentages of total cells in different layers in two regions, dorsal and lateral, of cortex (B,C). At E15, bin counting demonstrated that PS induced significant alterations in cortical integration of GAD67GFP+ cells in E15 dorsal cortex (B) but not in lateral (C) cortex when averages across all coronal sections were compared. (D–G) At the leading edge of migration in medial cortical sectors, nonstressed (D,F) and PS offspring (E,G) showed significant changes in radial integration of GAD67GFP+ cells in both rostral (D,E) and caudal (F,G) regions of the forebrain (brackets indicate cells at the leading edge of the deep migratory path, arrows indicate the cortically-integrating GAD67GFP+ cells in the dorsal area; LV= lateral ventricle, # indicates p<0.05 for interaction of condition by bin by ANOVA). Scale bar=200 µm.