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. 2012 Nov 7;2(6):e001851. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001851

Table 1.

Participation and demographic characteristics of the exposed (South Iceland) and non-exposed (North Iceland) populations

Exposed Non-exposed
% (n/N)
% (n/N) p Value
Target population (identified in total population registers) 1811 751
 Could not be found or reached 10.8 (196/1811) 7.2 (54/751) 0.01
Study population 1615 697
 Refused to participate 17.8 (286/1615) 14.6 (102/697) 0.07
Originally agreed to participate 1329 595
 Explained non-participation* 7.0 (93/1329) 6.1 (36/595) 0.44
 Unexplained non-participation† 6.6 (88/1329) 8.2 (49/595) 0.20
Response rate (participants/study population) 71 (1148/1615) 73 (510/697) 0.31
Demographic characteristics
 Male 49.0 (562) 51.4 (262) 0.36
 Female 51.0 (586) 48.6 (248) 0.36
Age categories
 18–23 11.1 (128/1148) 8.2 (42/510) 0.07
 24–30 8.6 (99/1148) 9.0 (46/510) 0.79
 31–40 15.2 (175/1148) 14.3 (73/510) 0.55
 41–50 20.3 (233/1148) 21.4 (109/510) 0.62
 51–60 19.3 (222/1148) 22.2 (113/510) 0.19
 61–70 15.9 (183/1148) 16.5 (84/510) 0.79
 71–80 9.4 (108/1148) 8.4 (43/510) 0.52
 No formal education 5.4 (61/1134) 4.8 (24/501) 0.62
 Primary education 35.9 (407/1134) 30.9 (155/501) 0.05
 Secondary education 33.4 (379/1134) 37.7 (189/501) 0.09
 Professional or university education 20.6 (234/1134) 23.8 (119/501) 0.16
 Other education* 4.7 (53/1134) 2.8 (14/501) 0.08
Marital status
 Married or cohabitating 72.4 (831/1148) 76.6 (391/510) 0.07
 Single or divorced 18.3 (210/1148) 15.5 (79/510) 0.17
 Relationship—no cohabitation 6.8 (78/1148) 4.7 (24/510) 0.10
 Widow or widower 2.5 (29/1148) 3.1 (16/510) 0.48
Household size
 1 adult 13.8 (151/1096) 15.4 (76/494) 0.40
 2 adults 51.4 (563/1096) 56.1 (277/494) 0.40
 3 adults 21.3 (233/1096) 18.0 (89/494) 0.14
 ≥4 adults 13.6 (149/1096) 10.5 (52/494) 0.09
Occupational status
 Full-time job 60.4 (683/1130) 61.0 (310/507) 0.79
 Part-time job 9.1 (103/1130) 11.6 (59/507) 0.11
 Unemployed 3.5 (40/1130) 1.2 (6/507) 0.01
 Student 6.9 (78/1130) 5.7 (28/507) 0.29
 Homemaker or maternity leave 9.4 (99/1130) 7.8 (40/507) 0.56
 Retired 6.1 (69/1130) 6.3 (32/507) 0.87
 On disability or sick leave 5.1 (58/1130) 6.3 (32/507) 0.33
Financial situation
 Very good 4.6 (52/1136) 4.3 (22/510) 0.81
 Good 23.9 (271/1136) 26.3 (134/510) 0.92
 Acceptable (‘making ends meet’) 55.6 (632/1136) 56.1 (286/510) 0.87
 Bad 13.5 (153/1136) 12.0 (61/510) 0.40
 Very bad (‘indebted or bankruptcy’) 2.5 (28/1136) 1.4 (7/510) 0.16

Exposure areas‡
Smoking status Low Medium High Non-exposed area

 Never smoker 57.2 (87/152) 58.5 (377/644) 54.0 (190/352) 54.3 (277/510) 0.31
 Former smoker 28.9 (44/152) 24.5 (158/644) 26.1 (92/352) 26.3 (134/510) 0.69
 Current smoker 13.8 (21/152) 16.9 (109/644) 19.9 (70/352) 19.4 (99/510) 0.33

*Dropped out because of the nature of the questions, because they did not think the study applied to them, or because of illness or old age.

†Did not reply, could not be reached for reminders, did not respond to reminders or returned empty questionnaires.

‡The exposed area was divided into three areas by levels of exposure with regard to magnitude of ash fall, see figure 1. The p value is based on comparison between the non-exposed and the sum of the exposed area.