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. 2012 Dec 31;7(12):e53375. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053375

Figure 2. Comparison of community parameters between species of birds of prey (solid dots) and owls (empty dots) in two geographical regions, Calabria, Italy (on the left) and Galicia, Spain (on the right).

Figure 2

A, B: Total species richness at the component community level. Regressions lines for birds of prey (solid lines) and owls (broken lines) are also displayed. C, D. Mean species richness at infracommunity level. Bars represent the 95% confidence interval. C, D. Median value of mean intensity per host species. The regressions line for birds of prey in Calabria is shown. Bars represent the interquartilic interval. Species abbreviations: Ag: Accipiter gentilis; An: Athene noctua; Ani: Accipiter nisus; Ao: Asio otus; Bb: Buteo buteo; Ca: Circus aeruginosus: Cp: Circus pygargus; Fp: Falco peregrinus; Fs: Falco subbuteo; Ft: Falco tinnunculus; Mm: Milvus milvus; Mmi: Milvus migrans; Os: Otus scops; Pa: Pernis apivorus; Sa: Strix aluco; Ta: Tyto alba.