Frozen tissue sections of adult CD205-deficient (Ly75
−/−) and CD205-sufficient (Ly75
+/−) littermate control mice were analyzed by confocal microscopy for: (A) organization of thymocytes, defined by expression of CD4 (blue) and CD8 (red), and dendritic cells by CD11c (green), final magnification ×100, (B) thymic epithelium defined by β5t (cortex, green) and ER-TR5 (medulla, red), final magnification ×250, and the presence of Aire+ (red) ER-TR5+ MTEC (green), final magnification ×400 (C). Quantitative analysis of total cortical and medullary areas of CD205-sufficient (white bars) and CD205-deficient (grey bars) adult thymi (D). Data are representative of two individual experiments, n.s. = not significant.