Figure 6. CD205 does not regulate positive selection of MHC class I and MHC class II restricted transgenic TCR specificities.
Bone marrow (BM)-derived hematopoietic cells isolated from (A) OT-II and (B) SM1 MHC II-restricted, and (C) OT-I MHC I-restricted TCR-transgenic adult mice were transferred into lethally irradiated Ly75 −/− or Ly75 +/− littermate controls. Thymocytes were isolated 5 weeks after reconstitution and analyzed by flow cytometry for CD4 and CD8 (left hand panels). Histograms demonstrate TCR staining for transgenic-specific T cells, OT-II TCRVα2 (A), SM1 TCRVβ2 (B) and OT-I TCRVα2 (C) (open histograms), staining control (filled histogram). Right hand graphs demonstrate numbers of TCR transgenic T cells isolated from thymus and spleen, data points demonstrate total cell numbers for individual mice, gating as indicated (n = ≥3). Data analyzed using Mann Whitney U test. n.s. (not significant).