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. 2013 Jan 2;6:333. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00333

Table A1.

Lists for the four sensory/perceptual sets and the verbal set.

Concept Rogers et al. visual Garrard et al. sensory Cree and McRae perceptual Cree and McRae edited perceptual Hoffman et al. verbal
Airplane Bus, lorry, train, helicopter Helicopter, train, bus Eagle, sled Bus, helicopter, train, motorcycle Helicopter, tiger

Alligator Turtle, dog Tiger, camel Banana, rabbit, frog, turtle Turtle Turtle, elephant

Apple Tomato, orange, banana, pineapple Cherry, tomato, carrot, orange, banana, pineapple Tomato, cherry, pineapple, orange Tomato, cherry, pineapple, banana Pineapple, carrot, banana

Axe Screwdriver, paintbrush, hammer Hammer, screwdriver Hammer, screwdriver Hammer, scissors, screwdriver Hammer, sled

Banana Pineapple, orange, apple, carrot Tomato, apple, cherry, carrot Tomato, apple, alligator, orange Orange, apple, tomato, carrot Pineapple, carrot, chicken

Barrel Dustbin, envelope, banana, candle Dustbin, axe Dustbin, camel Basket, dustbin Rabbit

Basket Toaster Dustbin, hairbrush, stool Paintbrush, hammer, hairbrush Barrel, envelope, paintbrush, dustbin Dustbin

Bike Motorcycle, screwdriver Motorcycle, sled, bus Motorcycle, train, sled Motorcycle, sled Motorcycle, bus, lorry

Hairbrush Paintbrush, screwdriver Paintbrush, hammer, screwdriver Paintbrush, sled, scissors, dustbin, screwdriver Paintbrush, sled Paintbrush, scissors

Bus Lorry, train, airplane Helicopter, airplane, train, motorcycle Motorcycle, lorry, train Train, airplane, helicopter, lorry, motorcycle Bike, lorry

Camel Cow, horse, dog Cow, horse Barrel, cow, horse Horse, cow Elephant, tiger

Candle Pineapple, stool, carrot Hairbrush Envelope, paintbrush, pliers, sled Pliers, envelope, paintbrush Basket, stool

Carrot Banana, pineapple, candle, cherry Apple, cherry, tomato, orange, banana Paintbrush, screwdriver, banana, alligator, orange, tiger Orange, banana, cherry, apple, pineapple Tomato, chicken, pineapple

Cat Dog, squirrel, tiger Mouse, squirrel, rabbit, dog Horse, squirrel, dog, mouse, elephant Dog, tiger Dog, squirrel

Cherry Pineapple, carrot, tomato Tomato, apple, orange, carrot Apple, tomato, dustbin Apple, tomato, orange, pineapple Apple, orange, toaster

Chicken Peacock, owl, eagle, ostrich Duck, eagle, owl Eagle, duck, owl, swan Peacock Tomato, carrot

Cow Camel, horse, dog Horse, camel Horse, elephant Horse, camel Elephant

Dog Tiger, cat, cow Horse, mouse, cat, squirrel Cat, squirrel, horse, elephant Cat Cat, sled

Duck Swan, chicken, peacock, ostrich Chicken, penguin Swan, penguin, eagle, chicken, owl Swan Turtle, swan, chicken, ostrich

Dustbin Barrel, envelope, piano, candle Barrel, basket Hairbrush, stool, key, sled Barrel, basket Basket, cat, lorry

Eagle Peacock, chicken, ostrich, owl Owl, chicken, swan, ostrich Chicken, duck, owl, swan, peacock Owl Owl

Elephant Cow, dog, camel Turtle Horse, squirrel Horse Tiger, turtle, squirrel, alligator

Envelope Barrel, dustbin Bus, train Candle, paintbrush, pliers, sled Basket, dustbin Dustbin, scissors, basket

Frog Rabbit, alligator, mouse Alligator Turtle, cat, cow Turtle Turtle, rabbit

Hammer Screwdriver, key Axe, hairbrush Axe, basket, screwdriver Axe, screwdriver, hairbrush Screwdriver, pliers

Helicopter Airplane, bus, lorry Airplane, bus, train Scissors, train, hammer Airplane, bus, train Airplane, motorcycle, tiger

Horse Cow, camel Mouse, dog Elephant, squirrel, cat Cow, camel Bike

Key Hammer, screwdriver Pliers, hairbrush, hammer, screwdriver Dustbin, stool Dustbin, stool Piano

Lorry Bus, train Motorcycle, airplane, train Bus, motorcycle, train Bus, train, airplane, motorcycle, helicopter Motorcycle, bike, bus

Motorcycle Bike Bike, sled, lorry Train, bus, bike, lorry Bike, airplane, bus, train, lorry Bike, lorry

Mouse Rabbit Rabbit, squirrel, cat, horse Squirrel, cat, rabbit Rabbit, squirrel Paintbrush, rabbit, frog

Orange Apple, banana, tomato Cherry, tomato, apple, carrot Tomato, apple, cherry Banana, tomato, cherry, carrot, apple, pineapple Pineapple, carrot

Ostrich Swan, chicken, eagle, peacock Eagle, peacock, swan Eagle, swan, chicken Peacock, eagle Duck, swan, squirrel, alligator, turtle

Owl Chicken, peacock, eagle, penguin Eagle, chicken Eagle, swan, chicken, duck Eagle Eagle

Paintbrush Screwdriver, hairbrush, axe, hammer Hairbrush, axe Basket, hairbrush, screwdriver Hairbrush, basket, sled Hairbrush, mouse

Peacock Chicken, eagle, owl, ostrich Ostrich, chicken, duck, eagle, owl Eagle, owl, swan Ostrich, swan, duck Swan, orange

Penguin Owl, chicken Duck, swan, chicken, eagle Duck, swan Duck, swan Swan, cat

Piano Dustbin, stool, sled Barrel, hammer Barrel, cow Bus Key, hammer

Pineapple Tomato, banana, apple Apple, cherry, tomato, carrot, banana, orange Apple, orange Apple, cherry, orange, tomato Banana, carrot, tomato, chicken

Pliers Scissors, orange, apple Key, hammer, axe Scissors Hairbrush, sled Screwdriver, hammer

Rabbit Squirrel Mouse, cat, squirrel Mouse, alligator Squirrel, mouse Cat, squirrel, mouse

Scissors Pliers, key, orange Screwdriver, axe Hairbrush, pliers, sled, helicopter, dustbin Axe, hairbrush, pliers, sled Hairbrush, pliers, screwdriver, hammer

Screwdriver Paintbrush, hammer, axe Axe, hairbrush, scissors Hairbrush, hammer, paintbrush, axe Hammer, paintbrush, axe Pliers, hammer

Sled Stool, piano, bus Motorcycle, bike Hairbrush, scissors Hairbrush, paintbrush Dog, cat

Squirrel Rabbit, cat Mouse, cat Horse, mouse, elephant, cat Rabbit, mouse, cat Turtle, elephant, tiger

Stool Sled, candle, piano Basket, sled Dustbin Dustbin, hairbrush, sled Candle

Swan Ostrich, duck, chicken Eagle, penguin, ostrich Duck, penguin, eagle, owl, chicken Duck, peacock Duck, ostrich, pineapple

Tiger Dog, cat Mouse, squirrel, horse Cat, eagle, piano, rabbit Cat, dog Elephant, turtle, squirrel

Toaster Basket, envelope, bus Lorry Hairbrush, key, pliers, sled Dustbin, helicopter, envelope Cherry, apple, dustbin

Tomato Apple, pineapple, orange Cherry, apple, orange, banana Apple, orange, cherry, banana Apple, cherry, orange Chicken, carrot, pineapple

Train Bus, lorry, airplane Airplane, helicopter, bus, lorry Motorcycle Bus, airplane, helicopter, motorcycle, lorry Camel, sled

Turtle Alligator Elephant Frog, stool, squirrel Alligator Elephant, squirrel, tiger, alligator