Table 6.
Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals (CI) of a multinomial logit model for the choice of using self-treatment, seeking professional medical services, or doing nothing (reference)
Variables | Prob(Y) = Self-treatment | Prob(Y) = Professional medical service |
Survey year:1993 (reference) |
1998 |
2.19 (1.84–2.62)** |
0.87(0.75-1.01) |
2003 |
2.37(1.98-2.83)** |
0.54(0.46-0.62)** |
2008 |
1.98(1.64-2.39)** |
0.49(0.41-0.58)** |
Urban:Rural (reference group) |
1.32(1.21-1.44)** |
0.90(0.83-0.98)* |
Age: 15–24 years old (=reference group) |
25-44 years old |
0.92(0.82-1.03) |
0.83(0.74-0.93)** |
45-64 years old |
0.99(0.88-1.12) |
0.74(0.66-0.83)** |
>65 years old |
1.01(0.89-1.15) |
0.80(0.71-0.90)** |
Education: Illiterate or semi-illiterate(=reference group) |
Primary or junior school |
1.17(1.10-1.24)** |
1.09(1.03-1.15)** |
High or technical school |
1.20(1.08-1.33)** |
1.06(0.97-1.18) |
College or university and above |
1.09(0.92-1.27) |
1.03(0.88-1.21) |
Profession: Unemployed (=reference group) |
Worker |
1.22(1.10-1.35)** |
1.27(1.15-1.40)** |
Farmer |
0.85(0.79-0.92)** |
1.15(1.07-1.24)** |
Retired |
1.13(0.99-1.29) |
1.28(1.12-1.47)** |
Family members: 1–2 person (=reference group) |
3-4 persons |
1.29(1.16-1.45)** |
1.24(1.12-1.39)** |
≥5 persons |
1.39(1.24-1.56)** |
1.57(1.41-1.76)** |
Insurance: Without insurance(=reference group) |
Other medical insurance |
0.97(0.82-1.15) |
1.36(1.15-1.61)** |
Rural cooperative medical scheme |
0.87(0.80-0.94)** |
1.05(0.98-1.14) |
Urban basic medical insurance |
1.03(0.93-1.15) |
1.25(1.12-1.40)** |
Free medical insurance |
1.45(1.22-1.72)** |
1.65(1.39-1.95)** |
Shortest distances from residence at medical institutions:≤1 km (=reference group) |
0.83(0.79-0.88)** |
0.82(0.78-0.86)** |
Sanitary water: No (=reference group) |
1.15(1.08-1.22)** |
0.86(0.82-0.91)** |
Annual per capita incomea: Low(=reference group) |
Middle |
1.53(1.44-1.63)** |
1.46(1.38-1.55)** |
High |
1.59(1.47-1.72)** |
1.72(1.59-1.85)** |
Smoking:No (=reference group) |
1.01(0.95-1.08) |
0.91(0.86-0.97)** |
Drinking:No (=reference group) |
0.92(0.86-1.0)* |
0.84(0.78-0.90)** |
Exercising: No (=reference group) |
1.23(1.14-1.33)** |
1.22(1.13-1.32)** |
Limited activity: No (=reference group) |
0.84(0.78-0.90)** |
0.96(0.90-1.13)** |
Chronic disease: No (=reference group) |
1.21(1.14-1.27)** |
0.86(0.82-0.91)** |
Duration within two week:1-2 day (=reference group) |
3-4 day |
1.32(1.24-1.41)** |
1.87(1.76-2.0)** |
≥5 day |
1.0 (0.94-1.07) |
1.62(1.52-1.72)** |
Constant | −0.68(0.12)** | 1.03(0.11)** |
Number of observations = 69,815; Log likelihood = −65984.0; LR-χ2 = 5707.86, P > χ2 = 0.000.
*Significant at 5%. **Significant at 1%. Constant is a coefficient.