FIG. 4.
Evaluation of pulmonary function parameters in mice at 16 weeks after radiation therapy (XRT). Mice were fed diets containing 0% FS, 10% FS or 10% FLC for 3 weeks prior to 13.5 Gy thoracic irradiation. At 16 weeks post-XRT, pulmonary function parameters were evaluated by pulse oximetry analysis (n =5 mice/group). Data is represented as mean ± SEM. Panel A: Arterial O2 saturation; *P < 0.001 for irradiated 0% FS vs. irradiated 10% FS and 10% FLC. #P < 0.05 for irradiated 10% FS vs. irradiated 10% FLC. Panel B: Pulse oximeter measurements of pulse distension. Micrographs A, B, and C display perivascular fibrosis at 16 weeks post-XRT in representative irradiated mice fed 0% FS, 10% FS and 10% FLC, respectively. *P ≤ 0.05 for irradiated 0% FS vs. irradiated 10% FS and 10% FLC.