Schematic representations indicate that both IL-13 and IL-4 share and signal through a common receptor component IL-4Rα. For IL-13 the other receptor component is IL-13Rα1 whereas the IL-4 receptor contains IL-2Rγc. These receptor components are phosphorylated upon exposure of monocytes to IL-13 or IL-4. Different Jak kinases are associated with these receptor components and activated (tyrosine phosphorylated) in response to IL-13 or IL-4 stimulation as presented. Consequently Stat1 (for IL-13 only), Stat3 and Stat6 (for both IL-13 and IL-4) are activated, form dimmers and, translocate into the nucleus, bind DNA and facilitate the induction of 15-LO, MAO-A and CD36 gene expression. IL-13 and IL-4 differentially regulate the gene expression of DUSP1 and TIMP3 through distinct Jak/Stat pathways. Different color code for DUSP1 and TIMP3 is used to demonstrate the unique regulation of these genes by IL-13 and IL-4 respectively.