Figure 4. Intercalation timing and notochord diameter.
(A-C) Representative images from 3 of the 6 stages of notochord cell intercalation examined. (D) Heat map of intercalation timing incorporating data from 4 embryos at each of 6 stages. The color indicates the fraction of embryos in which a particular cell was found to have completed intercalation at a given timepoint. (E) The notochord primordium (pseudocolored green) at the onset of notochord cell intercalation is in the shape of a disk. (F) Cartoon diagram showing how a cell at the front of a disk-shaped notochord primordium has less far to travel to complete intercalation than a cell near the middle. (G) Diameter of the entire notochord at three AP positions: anterior (cell 3, magenta), middle (cell 16, blue) and posterior (cell 38, green). An exponential model is fitted to each set of points. The point on each regression line at which that cell has a 50% probability of having completed intercalation is shown with a star, and provides an estimate of mean width (dotted line) at the moment when that cell completes intercalation.