Fig. 3.
Positions of maxima in the region of the transverse occipital sulcus (TOS) in three adjacent, histological sections of brain number 7. Equidistant profiles were extracted from the layer I/II border to the layer VI/white matter border (a, d, g). The Mahalanobis-distance functions were calculated for the block size b = 8 until b = 24 (b, e, h). Significant maxima were found on the positions 38 (a, b), 35 (d, e) and 41 (g, h; P < 0.001). These positions, found in three adjacent histological sections, correlate with the borders between areas hOc3d and hOc4d, which could also be identified by visual inspection of this sections. The border between area hOc4d and adjacent to the posterior lateral occipital area hOc4lp was identified in the same way. Significant maximum was found at position 127 (a, b) in section number 646. This position correlates with the maxima found at the positions 145 (d, e) in section number 706, and 161 (g, h) in section number 766. Mahalanobis distance functions calculated for the block size 24 are plotted in (c, f, i)