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. 2012 Oct 11;71(1):93–101. doi: 10.1007/s00280-012-1982-z

Table 3.

Treatment-related adverse events occurring in ≥10 % of overall patient population

Adverse event (n %) Paz400/Gem1000 (n = 6) Paz800/Gem1000 (n = 3) Paz800/Gem1250 (n = 13) Total (N = 22)
Fatigue 4 (67) 3 (100) 8 (62) 15 (68)
Neutropenia 4 (67) 1 (33) 8 (62) 13 (59)
Nausea 4 (67) 2 (67) 6 (46) 12 (55)
Decreased appetite 2 (33) 1 (33) 8 (62) 11 (50)
Leukopenia 2 (33) 1 (33) 7 (54) 10 (45)
Thrombocytopenia 3 (50) 1 (33) 5 (38) 9 (41)
Diarrhea 3 (50) 1 (33) 4 (31) 8 (36)
Vomiting 1 (17) 1 (33) 4 (31) 6 (27)
ALT increased 1 (17) 2 (67) 3 (23) 6 (27)
Dysgeusia 2 (33) 3 (100) 1 (8) 6 (27)
Stomatitis 4 (67) 1 (33) 0 5 (23)
Alopecia 0 0 4 (31) 4 (18)
Hair color changes 1 (17) 0 3 (23) 4 (18)
AST increased 1 (17) 1 (33) 2 (15) 4 (18)
Epistaxis 0 1 (33) 3 (23) 4 (18)
Dry skin 1 (17) 1 (33) 1 (8) 3 (14)

ALT alanine aminotransferase, AST aspartate aminotransferase, Gem gemcitabine, Paz pazopanib