Figure 6.
Antagonist unbinding and race experiments. A) Currents evoked by a control pulse of a saturating concentration of GABA (blue) are overlayed with currents evoked by the same GABA solution following pre-equilibration in 1 µM SR-95531 (red) for each receptor type. B) Plots show the deconvolution of GABA-evoked currents with SR-95531 pre-equilibration from those without pre-equilibration. Curve fits (solid lines) reveal the time course of SR-95531 unbinding. C) Concentration-response curves for the equilibrium antagonist occupancy in the absence of GABA were fit to the normalized hill equation I/Imax = 1 − 1/[(KD-SR/[SR-95531])N + 1]. D) Sample raw traces recorded from race experiments. Currents evoked by simultaneous application of GABA and SR-95531 (red traces) are overlayed with the currents evoked by GABA alone (blue traces) for each receptor type.