Schematic representation of CF I. (A) Hrp1, Rna15, and Rna14 are shown with functional and structural domains explicitly represented. Hrp1 contains an N-terminal domain (NTD), an RNA binding domain (RBD) in the middle with two RNA recognition motives (RRM) and a C-terminal domain. Rna15 has an RRM at the N terminus followed by the Rna14 interacting region (127–232) and the C-terminal domain (CTD), which interacts with Pcf11 (243–296). Rna14 has HAT-repeats followed by the Rna15 interacting region. (B) Proposed schematic model of Rna14–Rna15 tetramerization, which was used as a starting point for our studies. 14-IR is Rna14-interacting region and 15-IR is Rna15-interacting region.