Figure 4.
Longitudinal quantification of KSHV burden by quantitative real-time PCR analysis of buccal swab samples. Buccal swab samples were collected from each index child and mother every four months and from all other household members once a year at UTH in Lusaka for up to four years. (a) Twenty-five individuals who had KSHV-positive buccal swab samples by PCR at two or more time points were analyzed. Index children are denoted with the letter “I”, and household members are denoted with the letter “H”. KSHV burden is reported as the number of KSHV genomes per 104 cellular genomes with a detection limit of 10 KSHV genomes. (b) Box and scatter plots of mean KSHV burden in buccal swab samples from 25 HIV-1 negative and positive individuals. Mean (X) and median (―) values are shown. p = 0.57, two-sided Student’s t-test.