Table 3.
Comparison of the demographic profile of the mobile frame and the landline frame respondents
Demographic group |
Mobile frame |
Landline frame |
Mobile only (%) | p-value | Both (%) | p-value | Total (%) | p-value | Land-line only (%) | Both (%) | Total (%) | ||
Age groups |
0-15 |
8.5 |
<0.001 |
12.3 |
<0.001 |
11.4 |
<0.001 |
6.0 |
15.8 |
14.1 |
16-24 |
17.1 |
10.8 |
12.4 |
0.5 |
4.9 |
4.1 |
25-34 |
41.8 |
16.6 |
23.1 |
1.6 |
6.4 |
5.6 |
35-44 |
12.3 |
16.0 |
15.0 |
5.2 |
8.0 |
7.6 |
45-54 |
10.1 |
19.3 |
16.9 |
7.3 |
14.3 |
13.0 |
55-64 |
7.3 |
14.9 |
12.9 |
16.8 |
22.6 |
21.6 |
65-74 |
2.5 |
7.9 |
6.5 |
23.3 |
17.3 |
18.4 |
75-high |
0.3 |
2.2 |
1.7 |
39.3 |
10.6 |
15.6 |
Sex |
Male |
48.4 |
0.049 |
48.3 |
0.052 |
48.4 |
0.052 |
42.9 |
38.0 |
38.9 |
Female |
51.6 |
51.7 |
51.6 |
57.1 |
62.0 |
61.1 |
Aboriginality |
Aboriginal |
5.1 |
0.049 |
1.8 |
0.76 |
2.6 |
0.78 |
2.4 |
2.2 |
2.2 |
Non-Aboriginal |
94.9 |
98.2 |
97.4 |
97.6 |
97.8 |
97.8 |
Country of birth |
Australia |
60.8 |
<0.001 |
79.4 |
1.00 |
64.9 |
<0.001 |
76.6 |
80.1 |
79.4 |
Overseas |
39.2 |
20.6 |
35.1 |
23.4 |
19.9 |
20.6 |
Marital status |
Married |
31.3 |
<0.001 |
61.8 |
0.003 |
54.0 |
<0.001 |
45.3 |
56.0 |
54.1 |
Widowed |
1.9 |
3.5 |
3.1 |
28.7 |
10.5 |
13.7 |
Separated |
3.5 |
3.2 |
3.3 |
3.4 |
4.1 |
4.0 |
Divorced |
7.4 |
7.0 |
7.1 |
10.8 |
12.6 |
12.3 |
Never married |
55.8 |
24.5 |
32.5 |
11.8 |
16.8 |
15.9 |
Income | < $20,000 |
19.0 |
0.32 | 9.9 |
0.001 | 12.0 |
0.01 | 46.8 |
19.7 |
24.0 |
$20,001-$40,000 |
14.7 |
15.7 |
15.4 |
24.5 |
18.9 |
19.8 |
$40,001-$60,000 |
16.8 |
14.3 |
14.9 |
9.3 |
16.2 |
15.1 |
$60,001-$80,000 |
14.2 |
13.9 |
14.0 |
4.1 |
11.5 |
10.4 |
$80,000 plus | 35.3 | 46.3 | 43.7 | 15.2 | 33.7 | 30.8 |
Notes: Chi-squared testing, setting the significance level of p<0.05, was used for the comparisons between the mobile phone frame (mobile-only, both and total) sample demographic categories and the total landline frame sample.