Interaction of FLNc with Xin and Xirp2 depends on the unique insertion in Ig-like domain 20. Co-immunoprecipitation of T7-tagged Xin 1686–1812 (A, B) or Xirp2 2768–3327 (C, D) fragments and EEF-tagged FLNc fragment d18–21 with (A, C) or without (-ins, B, D) the insertion in Ig-like domain 20. Xin and Xirp2 were precipitated using a T7-tag-specific antibody. Coprecipitated EEF-tagged FLNc fragments were detected using an EEF-specific antibody. Precipitated proteins and molecular mass standards are indicated by arrows and arrowheads, respectively. Note that only FLNc d18–21 is co-precipitated, whereas d18–21-ins does not bind both Xirps.