EEG results (8.6 Hz): The dependence of SNRa (flicker attended) and SNRu (flicker unattended) on the number of regions to be attended or ignored. SNRa and SNRu were averaged separately across the frontal (a), right parietal-occipital (b) and left parietal-occipital electrodes (c) shown in blue in Fig. 3 (2nd row, 8.6 Hz). a Over the frontal electrodes, in FPS players, SNRa decreases with increasing number of regions while in RPG players SNRa increases with increasing number of regions. b In FPS players, the SNRa over right occipital-parietal electrodes decreases with number of regions. In RPG players, these SNRa exhibits a small, non significant decrease when four regions are attended. c Similar to the electrodes on the right, the SNRa across the left occiptal-parietal electrodes also decreases with number of regions, in FPS players. In RPG players, the SNRa over these electrodes does not exhibit modulation with increasing number of regions, though the SNRu decreases when four regions are simultaneously attended (Color figure online)