Figure 9. Disrupted cytoarchitecture in the neocortex and hippocampus.
(A) Littermate wild type (Aa) and lag mutant (Ab) whole brain coronal sections at P14 were counterstained with hematoxylin. (Ac) and (Ad) are enlarged from boxed areas in (Aa) and (Ab), respectively. (Ae) and (Af) are enlarged form (Ac) and (Ad), respectively. The arrows in (Af) indicate ectopic large pyramidal cells in layer 1. Bars in (Aa) and (Ab), 1 mm. Bars in (Ac) and (Ad), 200 µm. Bars in (Ae) and (Af), 100 µm. (B) Littermate wild type (Ba) and lag mutant (Bb) whole brain coronal sections at P14 were immunostained with the anti-Cux1. Littermate wild type (Be) and lag mutant (Bf) were immunostained with the anti-Foxp2 antibody. (Bc), (Bd), (Bg) and (Bh) are enlarged from boxed areas in (Ba), (Bb), (Be) and (Bf), respectively. Bars in (Ba), (Bb), (Be) and (Bf), 1 mm. Bars in (Bc), (Bd), (Bg) and (Bh), 200 µm. (C) The number of Cux1- and Foxp2-immunopositive cells in the cerebral cortex of the wild type and lag mutant mice. Cell counts were performed at 100 µm intervals using a counting grid. (D) Littermate wild type (Da) and lag mutant (Db) hippocampal sagittal sections at P14 were counterstained with hematoxylin. CA, Cornu Ammonis; S, subiculum; DG, dentate gyrus. Bars, 1 mm.