A. Left, HUVECs were wounded in vitro and the intracellular location of KLF6 was tracked by immunofluorescence. Right, measurements of KLF6 (green) and DAPI nuclear staining (blue) along a longitudinal section of a representative cell (red line) of each condition. Fluorescence intensities were measured and represented in histograms using Image J™ software tool. Cellular distributions of both signals at distinct time points (0, 3, 8 and 24 hr) are shown. B and C. ALK1 protein levels in the surface of HUVECs from A were analyzed by flow cytometry. The time-dependent increase of the ALK1 mean fluorescence intensity is shown in C. D. Real time RT-PCR analysis of ALK1, KLF6, endoglin and GAPDH mRNA levels in HUVECs at different time points after the in vitro denudation.