a, Regions enriched for CeCENP-A and its loading factor KNL-2 in a representative portion of chromosome I. For each track, the average z-score probe signal of two independent biological replicates is plotted. b, Genome-wide correlation plot of CeCENP-A and KNL-2 occupancy. The correlation coefficient (r) is in the upper left corner. c, Regions enriched for CeCENP-A with the positions of annotated genes. CeCENP-A domains were defined by a sliding window algorithm. d, Features of CeCENP-A domains for individual chromosomes. Boxplots: boxes indicate 25th to 75th percentile, whiskers 2.5th to 97.5th percentile. Wedges around the medians indicate 95% confidence intervals for the medians (see also Supplementary Fig. 5d–f). e, Two independent nuclei preparations (Prep) from early embryos (<100 nuclei) were blotted alongside a purified CeCENP-A standard (see also Supplementary Figs 2c, d and 6a–c). f, Hypothetical model for CeCENP-A permissive domain.