Fig. 1.
Time series of simulated monthly mean anomalies in TLS. Results are from spliced historical/RCP8.5 simulations performed with 20 individual CMIP-5 models (panels A–T). Anomalies were averaged over 82.5°N to 82.5°S, and are defined with respect to climatological monthly means from 1979 to 2011. The y axis range is identical in each panel. All available realizations of the spliced historical/RCP8.5 run are plotted; for models with more than one realization, the ensemble size is given in parentheses. For the CNRM-CM3 model, splicing was performed with the historicalExt simulation instead of RCP8.5 (SI Appendix). Dashed vertical lines indicate the start dates of the El Chichón and Pinatubo eruptions. Models used in estimating the O3+V fingerprint are identified with asterisks.