Fig. 1.
Light microscopy of laboratory-infected and wild-caught P. alleni (collected in September) (A), a histological section of a wild-caught Procambarus spp. intestinal tract embedded with developing B. dendrobatidis (collected in April) (B) and an uninfected intestinal tract (C). (A) The laboratory-infected P. alleni have thin solid borders, the wild-caught Procambarus spp. have thick solid borders, and the same life stages grown in culture have dashed borders. Light microscopy images show zoosporangia filled with developing zoospores (a), encysted zoospore beginning to form rhizoids (b), and empty zoosporangia (c); arrows point to potential zoospore discharge tubules on the zoosporangia. (B and C) Histology images are stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and B shows what appears to be developing zoosporangia that grew colonially just below the GI epithelial surface.